Read through the following list. Take note of how many statements apply to you.
I’m new to homeschooling.
I feel a lack of structure to our homeschool days.
I can’t keep up with day-to-day tasks that need to get done.
I often feel unqualified or that I am messing up my kids by homeschooling them.
I feel good about our homeschooling, but sometimes I'm just more efficient by processing verbally with another person.
I get tired of searching for options, answers, and ideas online, and I just want to talk with someone who will help me based on my family's goals and dynamics.
Even if I outwardly seem to have things together, I don’t feel peace of mind most days.
I don’t like the curriculum we currently use, or I no longer feel like it’s the right fit for all of the kids.
I’m surviving day-to-day without much of a long-term plan for homeschooling.
I have a child with particular needs that makes most days extra challenging.
I struggle to keep myself and/or my kids motivated.
I have extended family that question my homeschooling, and some days I fear they might be right.
I don’t have the time or capacity to invest in self care.
I want community in homeschooling, I can't find it what I'm looking for, and I'd like to start a group.
How many statements apply to you?
If you checked even two or three of these boxes, a homeschool coach could help to guide you in a plan that would lead to more direction, peace, and confidence in your days. Invest in your homeschool and yourself by working with a homeschool coach.
Contact me today. https://www.annie-miles.com